Project Initiation Questionnaire

After thousands of projects, we’ve determined that instead of writing to ask the same questions over and over is not a good use of time. An online form has proven to be a more organized and consistent solution. Please complete this form before submitting your audio for mastering.

DDP Master Player

Our player is licensed for our clients. We can not provide a license otherwise. If you need to open a DDP for other reasons, we suggest you visit HOFA Plug-ins, who offer a demo version of their DDP Player.

The Treelady Studios Master CD Creator is a standalone CD authoring application that allows you to make identical master CD copies from your PC or Mac. Built upon the Sonoris Audio Engineering DDP Player, this software can import DDP 2.0 images and Cue Sheet files for review and CD burning. DDP images are a special type of data file that contains the entire mastering project: audio, fades, spacing, track listing, etc. Perhaps the best reason to use DDP files is they are a bit-for-bit copy of the audio on our mastering editor. Even master CDs (sometimes called PMCD) cannot guarantee this level of accuracy. (DDP is a registered Trademark of DCA, Inc.)

If you wish to playback your DDP file from your mastering engineer to audition gaps or burn CDs, click the link below to download.

Treelady Studios DDP Player for Mac

Treelady Studios DDP Player for Windows

Other Helpful Files

When you only have digital downloads of your mastered files, here is a helpful article to walk you through the steps to make/burn a reference CD using iTunes. - Making a Reference CD

Preparing Your Mix For Mastering was a presentation that was given at the Tape Op Conference in 2005. The information is still incredibly relevant. - Preparing Your Mix For Mastering